Once you have requested the unique code, it will arrive in your email inbox within a few days. Note: If you haven’t got it already, you will need to get your unlock code sent to you via the Motorola website. You just need to use the following steps: That said, unlocking the bootloader via fastboot with the unqiue code you get from Motorola is simple. You may find some guides on the internet that suggest you can unlock the bootloader of a Motorola by using one of their tools, but always toward the end of the guide, you would see that still requires you to enter the unlock code via fastboot.
There is nothing that can be done about this, as it is Motorola’s choice to require the codes that will unlock their devices.
Unfortunately, there is no way to unlock the bootloader of any Motorola device without having gotten a code from Motorola first. Is it possible? And if so, how do I do it? Resolution: I want to unlock the bootloader of my Motorola smartphone without using a code from Motorola.